This REU program was funded through NSF PHY-1263201. |
UC Davis Physics REU Program, Summer 2014
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Students' names link to their final papers. Advisors' names link to the research group web pages.
Condensed Matter, Experiment and TheoryQuantized vortices in superfluid helium play a key role in superfluid turbulence. At the lowest temperatures, the mechanism for transfering energy from larger to smaller length scales may rely on nonlinearities in oscillations along the vortices. Ryan Gnabasik (Creighton University; advisor Rena Zieve) set up continuous wave excitation measurements for a vibrating wire surrounded by superfluid. Previously the lab had excited vibrations with a sharp pulse and monitored their ensuing decay. When a superfluid vortex is partially attached to the wire, its position can be determined from a beat frequency observed during the decay. Ryan instead measured the wire's response to a fixed-amplitude excitation as a function of frequency. This gives the Fourier transform of the pulsed measurement and contains the same information. After mapping out the frequency behavior, Ryan showed that monitoring at a carefully chosen frequency can track vortex dynamics on a faster timescale than the previous technique. The method provides an opportunity to study directly the oscillatory normal modes of a single superfluid vortex, including nonlinear effects. Alex Dorsett (Butte Community College; advisor Shirley Chiang) used low-energy electron microscopy to monitor the behavior of gold atoms on a germanium surface. The total amount of gold was enough to cover about half the surface in a single layer. In practice though, the gold clumped into islands. Upon increasing the temperature, the islands both coalesced into larger islands and also elongated along a particular crystal direction of the underlying germanium. Reducing the temperature eliminates the elongation, but the islands remain large, showing that the large size is energetically favorably but difficult to reach directly at the lower temperatures. Future work will investigate how to control growth of particular structures. Experiments probing granular behavior must be highly automated, since effects are often statistical and require analysis of large numbers of images. Brendan Lockhart (University of Maryland; advisor Rena Zieve) worked on debugging analysis software that had been ported from IDL to Python. The software identifies the locations and colors of ball bearings within a two-dimensional pile, then uses this information to resolve which bearings have been welded together into hexagonal clusters. Brendan suggested and wrote a new algorithm for locating the ball centers. Topological insulators (TIs) are three-dimensional samples that are insulating in the bulk but have special surface states. That materials can have very different properties at their surface is not so surprising; after all, the surface atoms are missing many of the neighboring atoms that would be present away from the sample's edge, which changes their electronic and possibly magnetic environment. The great interest in TIs comes because there is surface conduction which is both spin-polarized (spin-up and spin-down electrons travel in different regions of the surface) and also highly resistant to the scattering that typically degrades currents. Hence TIs may be ideal conduits in developing spintronics, an analog of electronics based on spin rather than charge. Andrea Gaughan (Haverford College; advisor Nick Curro) grew samples of a particular TI, bismuth selenide, and performed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements on them. The NMR work probed the energies and lifetimes of spin states in the bulk of the material. Any ultimate applications will require detailed knowledge of bulk properties and of the interactions between the bulk and surface states.
Vanadium dioxide is insulating at room temperature but undergoes a
first-order transition to a metallic state at the moderately
elevated temperature of 68°C. The resistance change of several
orders of magnitude leads to applications as a switch or sensor.
A new method of synthesizing vanadium dioxide produces wires so
thin that they behave in some respects as one-dimensional. Luke Hellwig (Carlton College; advisor Dong Yu) successfully
repeated this growth technique to make vanadium dioxide nanowires, as
shown below, scattered among much larger contact pads and wires. Luke
then characterized the wires with electrical and optical techniques. His
wires were a factor of 10 thinner than those previously reported, and
for many of them holes rather than electrons dominated the conductance.
The metal-insulator transition was also higher than for the bulk material.
These differences may come from slight changes in the growth method.
Varying the growth parameters may allow control over some of these
properties and perhaps new applications. ![]() Trithep Devakul (Northeastern University; advisor Rajiv Singh) looked at possible ground states for fermions that partially fill the sites of a lattice. He began with a Hamiltonian giving the energy of the system in terms of several effects: "hopping" between neighboring sites, favoring of particular sites in the lattice over others, and repulsion between fermions on neighboring sites. He then calculated the favored arrangement of the fermions on the lattice. Depending on the relative strength of the different energy terms, he found different types of behavior corresponding to Fermi liquids or charge density waves. These calculations entirely ignore the spin degree of freedom, which can be reasonable even for fermions if all the particles happen to have identical, constant spin. (Trithep's write-up is in an unusual form, with a single page of introduction preceding an actual published paper. Expect it to be less readable for undergraduates than most of the other papers!) Denisa Goia (University of Wisconsin, Whitewater; advisor Warren Pickett) looked into the problem of using systems with a few hundred or a few thousand atoms to model real-world systems with Avogadro's number of atoms. She looked at how the lowest-energy configurations of electrons on a two-dimensional lattice changed when the size of the lattice and the number of electrons were scaled up together. The ground state often had a clear pattern: rings, stripes, checkerboard, etc. Several of these appear in the images at the top of this page. The lattice size indeed has a significant effect on the pattern, as in one case where clear order for small lattices disappears for larger lattices. Incommensurate polarization levels, where the difference between up-spin and down-spin electrons is not a factor of the lattice size, seem to be influenced less by the change in lattice size, although even in this case there can be some effect. Thomas Gunn (University of West Florida; advisor Warren Pickett) did computer simulations to model a Kondo lattice, or a lattice of atomic spins within a crystal. In a metal, the response to a single atomic spin is understood. At low temperatures there is spin-dependent scattering of the metal's conduction electrons, which reduces conductivity. However, the conduction electrons can act collectively to screen the influence of the spin. How the electrons behave when faced instead with a regular aray of spins is not understood, but it appears to be a complicated problem that can lead to various magnetic behaviors and even superconductivity. Thomas used an energy function that consider electron kinetic energy (freedom to move between neighboring lattice sites) and Coulomb repulsion (energy cost of having two electrons on the same site). Using a mean-field approximation that used averaged rather than exact electron configurations in some parts of the calculation, he then found minimum-energy electron configurations, which did have a tendency towards magnetic order.